Rainbow Cake for Birthdays or Parshat Noach

I just looked back and realized it has been a month since I've hosted a Recipe Exchange. Then again, it's been a month since we've had a normal Friday! So hopefully you can forgive me. I'm getting back on the wagon today with a (hopefully) … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking: Poultry (Part 2 ~ Shopping, Recipes & Freezer Lists)

Read Part 1 of Poultry Kosher Once a Month Cooking here, if you haven't already. Today, guest poster Shaindy Gerstein is back to tell you how to cook for a day and eat for a month! As a reminder, here is the menu we are cooking for our Kosher … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking: Poultry (Part 1 ~ Tips, Menu & Printable Labels)

I am excited to welcome KOAB reader and organizing junkie Shaindy Gerstein for this two-part series about Kosher Once a Month Cooking (OAMC). As the name implies, OAMC means that you cook once and eat for a month, thanks to cook-ahead food that … [Read more...]

Sukkot Dinner Menu + Complete Shopping List from Susie Fishbein

PHOTO CREDIT: Joy of Kosher Still not sure what you're cooking for Sukkot dinner? I love this complete Sukkot dinner menu from Susie Fishbein that was posted up on Joy of Kosher today. It includes all the recipes, plus a complete shopping list. … [Read more...]

Our Sukkot Menu Plan (12 More YomTov Meals!)

PHOTO CREDIT: JDCC I've got a confession to make. (Hangs head in shame.) I haven't had a menu plan this week. And you know what happens when I don't menu plan. Fortunately this time, we didn't blow our budget, but I will admit to making some … [Read more...]

Our Rosh Hashana Menu Plan: 3-Day Yom Tov

PHOTO CREDIT (Pinterest) I'm a little late in posting my Rosh Hashana menu plan, but here's my list of meals starting this Wednesday night. I'm just hoping DD's health holds (she's been sick all week) so I can get all this done... plus hair cuts, … [Read more...]

Rosh Hashana Recipe Round-Up

If you are in need of a little recipe inspiration for Rosh Hashana, look no further. Here is a round-up of some of the best Rosh Hashana recipes from around the web - many shared by KOAB readers themselves. Rosh Hashana Challah Croation Star-Shaped … [Read more...]

How to Make a Simple Round Apple Challah for Rosh Hashana

Last year, I shared my favorite apple challah recipe, which admittedly is a bit patchkied. But since Rosh Hashana only comes once a year, I figured it was worth it. Recently, though, a reader asked if I couldn't just make the dough in the bread … [Read more...]

How to Spruce Up Your Front Porch On $5 or Less

For a while now, I've been envious of all those pretty planters I see on neighbors front steps - especially when they're filled with a gorgeous spray of seasonal flowers. The only problem is these pretty planters are crazy expensive. Have you ever … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange Round-Up

Last week, on Facebook, I asked for suggestions for the recipe exchange theme. It occurred to me - I've been hosting these exchanges for over a year. If you haven't checked out these posts - or if it's been so long that you can't remember - here's … [Read more...]