Kansas City Readers: Shares Available in My Awesome CSA

Three years ago, I was looking for a CSA to participate in. The problem was I didn't wanted to schlep half-way across town to pick up my share. So, I decided to see if I could organize my own little CSA - with pick up at my shul, right down the … [Read more...]

July Meal Plan: Sticking to Theme Days (Link Up to Your Menu Plans, Too)

Last month, I shared that I was trying something new (well, sort of retro, actually) with my menu planning: Theme Days. After sticking with it for a month, I can report that it worked out really, really well, so we're doing it again in July. If … [Read more...]

Best Peanut Noodle Salad (Perfect for a BBQ Side Dish)

Sundays are BBQ nights at our house, according to my new theme menu plan (which, by the way, is working out smashingly). For us, that usually means either burgers or dogs. But sometimes we get fancy and make chicken shishlik... or steak (birthdays … [Read more...]

June Monthly Meal Plan: Changing Things Up

I mentioned the other day that I've been a bit lax in the menu-planning and food shopping department. Truth be told, May was a mess. I never got around to planning our menu - and you all know what happens when you don't menu plan! I have tons of … [Read more...]

Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies

We are rapidly closing in on my all-time favorite holiday: Shavuot. As I confessed last week, the reasons for my love are largely gastronomical: I am ALL about the dairy, so Shavuot is a special kind of heaven for me. When it comes to dessert, my … [Read more...]

Kid Friendly Lunches

The end of school is right around the corner. There are many things to look forward to about the summer. But there's one thing that I'm definitely dreading: Lunch time. Yeah. If I dread packing lunch (and yes, unless we have left-overs, I … [Read more...]

Summer Potato Kale Gratin

Oh happy day - my CSA started up again this week! The first few weeks of the season are usually quite leafy green-heavy. This is, of course, very healthy, but after the third week of kale and spinach, it starts to present a bit of a culinary … [Read more...]

Charoset for Passover Recipe

PHOTO CREDIT: Flickr Creative Commons If you're on Facebook or Twitter with me, you know that I've been in the kitchen today cooking for Pesach - and I've definitely got a lot of company out there in internetland. Next on my to-do list is the … [Read more...]

Passover Recipes: Vegetable Kugel, Matzah Lasagna, Oven-Baked Matzah Brie

We are in the Leil HaSeder home stretch, so I thought we could use one last Pesach recipe post. I'm breaking with tradition and posting this on Thursday, since I figure most of us need all the time we can get (maybe I'm just projecting, … [Read more...]

My Family’s Passover Meal Plan

The first seder is in just 6 days, but I feel as though I'd need about 16 days to be fully ready for Pesach. Do I feel this way every year? I can't remember! I'm definitely behind the eight ball this year, though, that's for sure. Can anyone … [Read more...]