January Monthly Meal Plan

After a crazily haphazard month of December, in which I completely flew by the seat of my pants, I am getting back on the monthly menu planning bandwagon with a vengeance. This is going to be a busy month - several late night meetings, plus I am … [Read more...]

Comfort Foods

If you follow KOAB on Facebook, you know that I woke up this morning with a stomach bug. I seem to be a real target, as this is my second time in two months. Fortunately my husband is off work today, so he is fixing our dinner! Instead of sharing … [Read more...]

What happens when you DON’T menu plan

My in-laws came for a visit the first week in December. They have very different dietary preferences than we do (let's just say they like meat. Red meat.). So rather than make our normal monthly menu plan, we decided to wait until they arrived and … [Read more...]

My Top 3 Favorite Kosher Cookbooks

Truth be told, most of the cooking I do these days is inspired from a recipe I find online -- usually from allrecipes.com or a cooking blog. Or from my Friday Recipe Exchange! But back before there were online recipe boxes, I used to love reading … [Read more...]

Aloo Gobi $5 Indian Dinners

Did you know that there is a whole cookbook and blog (the blog actually came first) dedicated to $5 dinners? Erin's blog is great and has a lot of very healthy looking meals, but, from a kosher perspective, many of her meals unfortunately don't work … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange: Inspire Me!

I am in a rut, people. A total cooking rut. Our weekday dinners are boring. Even our Shabbat meals have been boring lately. They're fine. Well-balanced. Tasty, even. But boooring. (Or could it be that I am bored with cooking?) I had a theme … [Read more...]

Egg Yolk Bread Machine Challah

If you're new to Kosher on a Budget, every week I pick a different theme or topic, and share one of my frugal recipes, and ask my readers to do this same. It's great fun - kind of like a virtual Sisterhood cookbook! You may recall an earlier … [Read more...]

And the winner is… (KOAB Recipe Exchange Target Gift Card)

I've been promising for a while that I would give away a $10 Target gift card to one reader who has left a recipe on one of my KOAB Recipe Exchange posts. To pick the winner, I went all the way back to my first Recipe Exchange and gave one "entry" … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange: Beans, Lentils & Legumes (Hummus)

There is nothing more frugal than beans and lentils. Buy a bag of dried beans and feed your family for a week for, what, less than $2? Beans are the ultimate frugal protein, but can they be fancied up for Shabbat? We eat most of our beans and … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange: Pumpkin Party! (Quick Bread)

With the abundance of pumpkin available these days, I thought I'd give my favorite fall vegetable a KOAB recipe exchange all its own. We love pumpkin blended in soups, or chunked with other veggies and served over couscous. My favorite way to … [Read more...]