Susie Fishbein Speaks: Frugal Kosher by Design

No, the guru of kosher cookbooks isn't launching another new cookbook, at least not quite yet. (Although don't you think "frugal" would be an awesome theme for her next KBD book??) Remember when I reviewed her newest title, KBD: Teens & … [Read more...]

November Monthly Meal Plan

I am far from perfect with my menu planning. But all of my shortcomings have taught me one thing: The surest way to blow your budget is not to have a menu plan. Recently, I concluded that for me, planning a month at a time is the easiest, most … [Read more...]

My Favorite Cholent Recipe

Let me preface this recipe by saying that I am not a fan, in general, of cholent. (I know. Blasphemy!) Something about cooking food on a low temperature for 14 bajillion hours has a tendency to make every morsel of mush taste exactly like the next … [Read more...]

And the winner is…

The winner of the Kosher by Design cookbook giveaway is... Joseph, comment #46, who said: I'd give it my fiance so we could enjoy delicious meals in our new life together. Congratulations, Joseph! May your marriage be as spicy as the recipes! … [Read more...]

Reminder: Last Day to Win FREE Susie Fishbein Cookbook

Just wanted to remind you that if you haven't already done so, you can still enter my giveaway for a FREE copy of Susie Fishbein's newest cookbook, Kosher by Design: Teens & 20-Somethings. The contest closes tonight at midnight (central time), so … [Read more...]

Win a Free Copy of the New Kosher by Design Cookbook

Did you get a chance to check out my review of the new Kosher by Design Teens & 20-Somethings earlier today? Weeeeee, I was so excited when they asked me to write a review. I was even more excited when they told me that they were going to give … [Read more...]

Cookbook Review: Kosher by Design Teens & 20-Somethings

  Are you a Susie Fishbein fan? She's everywhere, right? It seems like whenever I compliment a Shabbat host on a particularly tasty dish, I invariably hear the same response, "Oh thanks! It's from a Susie Fishbein cookbook!" The hugely … [Read more...]

Easy Freezer-Friendly Meatball Recipes

I was first introduced to the world of freezer cooking when I was pregnant with my second child. Like a lot of you probably did, I channeled my nesting instincts into filling my freezer for when life got hectic. I don't have a newborn these days, but … [Read more...]

30 Frugal Things We Do. And 4 That We Don’t.

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know by now that I'm a big proponent of using coupons, especially when you can combine them with a sale. But coupon shopping is far from the only frugal strategy we use. If you're looking for new ways … [Read more...]

A Frugal Experiment: Does Making Tomato Sauce From Scratch Save Money?

We eat a lot of Italian-style food in our home -- from lasagna and baked ziti to homemade pizza to 'oh my gosh, it's 5:30 and I haven't started dinner so let's just have plain pasta and sauce'. For all these meals, I buy jarred sauce, because it … [Read more...]