Easy Grain-Free Peanut Butter Cookies (Just 3 Ingredients!)

Since going grain-free last June, desserts have become somewhat challenging. I've mostly been doing fresh fruit (or nothing at all), but sometimes you just want something with a little crunch to it. Enter the world's easiest peanut butter cookie … [Read more...]

Easy Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Growing up, I thought brussels sprouts were dis.gus.ting. While I'm confessing, I might as well tell you that I didn't like avocados either. Clearly, the first 16 years of my life were an epicurean wasteland. It turns out that my problem … [Read more...]

My Menu Plan for the Week of January 20th

I was out of town for three days last week, so I didn't share our menu plan. My apologies - I know some of you missed it. My Dinner Menu Plan for the Week of January 20th Monday -- Vegetarian Tacos with Morningstar Farm crumbles Tuesday -- … [Read more...]

My Menu Plan for the Week of January 6th

You know how you can know something is the right thing to do? And yet you keep doing the wrong thing? Over and over again? For example: Right =  Knowing that menu planning saves money, time and sanity. Wrong = Coming up with a steady stream … [Read more...]

Homemade High Protein Smoothie Recipe | The Breakfast of Champions! (Guest Post)

This is a guest post from Daniella Silver. When I started my journey to better health, one of my biggest challenges was changing my breakfast routine. The reason it was so hard for me to change up my cereal/milk routine was because it was easy, … [Read more...]

Our Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2013)

The first night of Rosh Hashana is just a week from tomorrow night. One. Week. (Breathe) I've been meaning to do this for a month, but denial was firmly rooted in my menu planning brain. Last night, however, I took no prisoners, stayed up … [Read more...]

Cauliflower Crust Pizza #Grain-Free Recipe

Giving up grains threatened a years-long tradition of Thursday Pizza Night at my house... until my friend Dian shared her recipe for Cauliflower Crust Pizza. (I think angels may have sung, I was so excited to find a way to make my favorite food … [Read more...]

#Grain-Free Tabouleh Recipe

So this whole grain-free thing has been tremendously eye-opening. I'm learning a lot, but you know what my #1 take-away is so far? That cauliflower is the world's most diverse food! Seriously. You can mash it instead of potatoes, you can … [Read more...]

#Grain-Free Menu Plan & Shopping List (Week 2)

Welcome to week 2 of my attempt at a month-long grain-free eating plan. I've been officially at this for 11 days. I've lost 3 pounds and am feeling really good. Fewer headaches and I think I might even have a drop more energy. Although I will say … [Read more...]

#Grain-Free Menu Plan & Shopping List (Week 1)

Since deciding last Tuesday, sort of on a whim, to try being grain-free for a month, I've been fumbling in the dark as far as what to cook. Basically I've been eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, some cheese (like feta or parmesan on my … [Read more...]