Our Shavuot Menu Plan

Maybe it's because my husband's been away, and we've been in "bare minimum" mode. Or maybe it's because I love dairy and don't have to think too hard about what I want to eat for two days of dairy meals. But until this moment, I haven't sat … [Read more...]

Roasted Red Pepper and Basil Cream Flan for Shavuot

What a treat I have for you today! If you're wondering what to make for Shavuot -- and want something visually and culinarily impressive, then you must try this Roasted Red Pepper Flan from May I Have That Recipe. A huge thank you to you, Mara … [Read more...]

Carrot Apple Charoset Recipe

This is a guest post by Anabelle Harari from Local Belle. When thinking about what food I love most during Passover, I didn’t have to think long. Matzah? No way. Horseradish? After a terrible experience eating the root in college, I’m done with … [Read more...]

Frozen Lemon Wafer Cake Passover Recipe

I'm a firm believer in Passover desserts that don't taste like matzah. (Unless it's "matzah crack" - then tasting like matzah, slathered in caramel and chocolate, is totally fine.) I'm also a huge fan of lemon in my Pesach desserts. (I love the … [Read more...]

25 Vegetarian Passover Recipes

Looking for an awesome dish to serve to a vegetarian at your seder? Maybe you want a break from the meat-and-potato fare most of us associate with Pesach? Here's a round-up of twenty-five vegetarian Passover recipes from some of my favorite food … [Read more...]

Israeli Meatballs (Ketzitzot) Recipe

There are some foods that my husband and I really miss from our years living in Israel. Fresh produce. (Yup, any and all of it.) Pita. Fresh, soft, squishy. Falafel. No -- I mean good falafel. Really good. And ketzitzot -- those rank up … [Read more...]

Poached Peach & Chicken Salad Passover Recipe

In the months leading up to Pesach, I often look at my Shabbat table and think to myself, "Wow - look at that. This whole meal, minus the challah, could be served on Passover." Fish or chicken, a quinoa pilaf, and loads of fresh salads. And yet … [Read more...]

Pizza Hamantashen

Thursday night is pizza night at our house. Last night as I was rolling out our crusts, I had a brainstorm! If you can make a half moon-shape stuffed pizza and call it calzone, why not a triangle shape and call it: Pizza Hamantashen. So that's … [Read more...]

Hamantashen Recipe with Sprinkles

It may be a fast day, but here in Kansas City, it's also a snow day. And that means we're warming up our kitchen by baking a batch of hamantashen. Now, to be completely honest, I am not the hamantashen's greatest fan. Dry dough? Prune and … [Read more...]

Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe

Since posting my January menu plan, a number of you have written to ask me about my breakfast smoothies. Over the next month, I will be sharing some "recipes" to my favorite smoothies, for those of you that would like to start your day this way as … [Read more...]