Our Sukkot Menu Plan 2023

I realize that I haven't shared our Sukkot menu plan for a few years, so I wanted to quickly share what I'll be making for my favorite chag of the year. Remember: I'm in Israel, so only one day of yomtov! Friday night / Erev Sukkot / Shabbat 13 … [Read more...]

Gmar Tov & Tzom Kal

I want to wish a Gmar Chatima Tova to each and everyone of you. May we all be sealed in the Book of Life. If you are fasting, may it be meaningful in helping to bring you closer to the person you wish and pray to become. ~ Mara … [Read more...]

Deals on Sukkah Decorations ~ From Lights & Decor to Table Settings & Outdoor Carpets

Sukkot is right around the corner! Whether you've had a decor theme planned since Pesach — or haven't given your sukkah two thoughts yet — I've found a number of beautiful and well-priced decor and lighting options. Take a look.... Sukkah … [Read more...]

Shana Tovah ~ Round-Up of Recipes, Simanim Cards, Menu Plans & More

The challot are baked. The silver is polished. The soup is simmering. I've been listening to Yishai Ribo's Seder HaAvoda on a loop to give me a little inspiration since my "avoda" this week has definitely been in the kitchen. I've still got a few … [Read more...]

5 Free Rosh Hashana Coloring Pages

Need something to keep your little kids occupied while you cook for Rosh Hashana? Here are some great FREE coloring pages for you to download. Each image below is clickable to download them. #1. Ann Koffsky's Rosh Hashana Foods #2. … [Read more...]

My Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2023)

Rosh Hashana is just a week from tomorrow — gulp! (How does it sneak up on me every single year???) I'm not quite in overwhelm-mode yet, but perhaps it's because I was in denial until about two hours ago, lol. I just finished making my menu … [Read more...]

Get the FREE Rosh Hashana Menu Planner Printable + Lots of Recipe Ideas

Rosh Hashana will be here before we know it! Have you made your menu plan? Download my FREE Rosh Hashana menu planner by filling in your name and email on the form above. I can't wait to share it with you! Not sure what recipes to fill up your … [Read more...]

Get Your FREE Guide to the Rosh Hashana Simanim

It's almost tiiiime!!! Ever since our Tapas-Style Siman Seder a few years ago, my family has really gotten into eating all of the simanim for Rosh Hashana. (Well, we do skip the real fish head, because ew, I'm squeamish and just can't. Although we … [Read more...]

*Don’t Forget!* Make Your Passover 2024 Notes Now (& Check for Clearance)

This is your friendly reminder that if you haven't done so already, NOW is the time to make your notes for next year's Pesach! The best time to do this is as you're packing up your Pesach items, when everything is fresh in your mind. Here's … [Read more...]

Passover Menu Plan 2023

T-6 days until the (first) seder. Are you ready? My kitchen has officially reached that "it gets worse before it gets better" phase and I'm a bit despairing. I just keep reminding myself I feel this way every year and somehow it all gets done! … [Read more...]