Chanukah Giveaway #1 | Kosherfest Gift Basket – Worth Over $250

Chanukah is almost here – can you believe it?!

And even though we usually keep our celebrations pretty low-key at our home, I am certainly not averse to spoiling my readers a little bit! 🙂

So I’ve put together a number of special giveaways, which I’ll be rolling out over the next several weeks. Today marks Giveaway #1… and it’s HUUUUGE!

Last month, as many of you know, I took a trip to New Jersey to attend Kosherfest 2011. For this mild Midwesterner, it was truly something to experience…

The food! The people! The hustle and bustle!

And the swag!

Today, I am super excited to be able to pass on some of that fabulous Kosherfest swag to one lucky reader.

Thanks to the generosity of many of the kosher vendors, we have put together this amazing gift basket featuring a smorgasbord of some of the best Chanukah-themed food & products at Kosherfest 2011.

With a retail value of over $250,this Chanukah gift package is filled to the brim with the following incredible goodies:

Chanukah metal cookie cutters from Rite Lite & Shulsinger Judaica

Large silicone dreidel baking molds from Rite Lite & Shulsinger Judaica (these are so cute for ice, jello or chocolate)

Dreidel shaped paying cards from Rite Lite & Shulsinger Judaica

Box of Chanukah candles from Rite Lite & Shulsinger Judaica

Menorah-shaped chocolates from Sugar-Plum

Box of protein bars from SIMPLY BAR

SCHNEIDER’s Crispy fried onions cans

Lipton kosher boxed soups from KEDEM Foods

Rabbi Mints from Rabbi Mintz (these cracked me up!)

Aluminum dreidel cake pan from The Kosher Cook

Kosher Keepers plastic food storage containers (imprinted with dairy, parve, meat) from Kosher Keepers

The Case of the Missing Menorah DVD from Shalom Sesame

+ a Cheese basket from Les Petites Fermieres and Anderson International, valued at over $85!

To enter this swaggy giveaway, please follow the instructions on the widget below. The first entry is mandatory; the other four are optional. The more you enter, the better your chance is of winning.

If you are reading this post in your email or an RSS feed, you will need to click through to the blog to enter the giveaway.

This giveaway will be open until 12:01 a.m. on Friday, December 9. The winner will be announced later that day.

Good luck!


  1. Shayndy Abrahamson says

    Ultimate chanukah present:
    Realistically – books!
    In my dreams – a vacation!

  2. if i could get any present for chanukah it would be peace in Israel

  3. a nice trip for my family (joined with my Aussie family!)

    I can dream, right?

    Happy Chanukah!

  4. A free ticket to Israel for my friend’s wedding the first week of January!

  5. Ultimate gift would be a vacation.

  6. I would like a dslr camera. but I’ll settle for winning this basket!

  7. Definitely a vacation…

  8. I would love a trip to Israel and a house full of new furniture! Dreams!

  9. A week’s vacation where there’s a fabulous all inclusive kids club and babysitting so I can sit and read a book for once, or take a solo swim, get a massage, put up my feet. Drink a whole cup of tea while it’s hot… I could go on.

  10. The ultimate gift would be for someone to fund my upcoming (hopfeully!) trip to Thailand!

  11. would love for my graduate school loans to dissapear lol, realistically I would love a new shaitel

  12. I would love to get 2 new Chanukiyot (Menorah) – one designed by an Israeli artist, called “The Reflective Menorah” and the other is inspired by ancient oil lamps.

  13. Well, if I’m totally honest…something sparkly from my bf for the 4th finger of my left hand!

  14. I’d get my house cleaned and organized.

  15. I think the ultimate gift would also be a vacation. My kids have been asking when they can visit Israel and we keep telling them when they’re a little older 🙂

  16. School tuition for my kids! 🙂

  17. I would love a vacation. I haven’t gone on one in years.

  18. Rebecca Resig says

    I would love a vacation with my family this year. We have such busy lives, it would be nice to take some time to focus our efforts on the family!

  19. Liba Kornfeld says

    Ultimately, a guilt free shopping spree.

  20. Vacation to Hawaii!!!

  21. a silver menorah 4 my husband…

  22. I’d like a new car for chanukah, with prepaid insurance and gas

  23. I would love to return to Israel…but my favorite Chanukah gift is chocolate!

  24. Ultimate gift – the playstation my husband has wanted for a couple years now

  25. The ultimate present would be good health.

  26. A minivan!

  27. Ultimate gift would be my debts paid off or wiped out & a nice vacation with loved ones, but for this holiday I’d really like a pair of sneakers because mine have holes in them or some paying work so I could buy my sneakers and be able to give back to my family, since they’ve helped me so much during this difficult time for me.

  28. Ultimate Hanukkah gift?!? Um. Wow. I don’t even know. I don’t think the postal scale that I asked for counts.

  29. A job for my husband, whose current job is being eliminated at the end of the month. 🙁

  30. Winning the lottery would be nice 🙂

  31. A treadmill!

  32. If I could get any present at all, it would be a trip to Israel…. second would be winning your awesome giveaway. : )

  33. My niece to be happy.

  34. Claire Lakin-Koel says

    Anything for Hanukkah- a housekeeper to help clean my house every month!

  35. A HUGE shopping spree to buy unlimited shoes and clothes for myself! 🙂

  36. I would love a trip to Israel for my whole family!

  37. Leah Klein says

    I would like a week vacation.

  38. A whole night of sleep (thank you teething toddler and baby)? Or maybe just a day off the clean the whole house without “help”–I love that sparkly clean feeling!

  39. Flights for my family to get together for my dad’s 60th birthday!

  40. Favorite Chanukah gift would be money, to be spent when I decide what the best gift would be!

  41. I would love a new armchair. I have a bright pink chair that I’ve had since college that really needs to go…

  42. Is dining room chairs too much to ask for as a Chanukah gift? 🙂

  43. Tamar Epstein says

    would lvoe to win this.. and for chanuka would love jewlery or a wig 🙂

  44. I have my eye on the Bosch mixer…..but it would be a total indulgence since there is nothing wrong with my kitchen aid o ther than it is too small! Of course, a trip to Europe would be nice too. 🙂

  45. The best gift would be books!

  46. The ultimate gift would be a trip to Israel for my whole family!

  47. Faigie Walter says

    Hmm… the ultimate gift. I’d have to say… a house! That would just be awesome. (I’m talking to you, God!) Now from my husband, I’d probably choose something like a nice quiet vacation :o)

  48. Nice looking! Wouldn’t mind winning.

  49. Lovely for any family! You are awesome.

  50. ohhh! Looks like some great gifts! WTG!

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