Giveaway: $100 Prize Package from Swirlgifts (Gorgeous Handmade Tableware)

swirlgifts giveawawy

Some people like to set a table with their fine china, gleaming silver and delicate crystal.

And some of us are clumsy. (Or have young kids.)

But just because my great-grandmother’s china is seldom used at my house these days, doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy bringing out special pieces to our Shabbat table.

I just want those pieces to lean more toward the harder-to-destroy-in-one-fell-swoop side.

If you, too, are looking for pretty, special and durable tableware and serving pieces, let me introduce you to SWIRL.

Linda, the owner and craftswoman behind Swirlgifts, recently contacted me about hosting a giveaway for KOAB readers. I took one look at her website and jumped at the opportunity.

I love her funky style — multi-colored stones or beads, wrapped in a swirled pattern — and her reasonable prices (comprable items on Etsy sell for twice as much).

As if I wasn’t already in love, Linda offered to send me the giveaway prize that she would be sharing with my readers – in order to get my personal review on the pieces.

The package arrive quickly and was wrapped up in a pretty gold bow.

Swirl Gift Giveaway

Inside was a gorgeous large basket, an amazing (seriously – amazing!) stainless steel bread knife, and a sweet little set of glass salt and pepper shakers.

The 15-inch basket immediately became our table’s breadbasket on Shabbat, lined with a simple white napkin.

Embellished bread basket

But Linda also suggested a plethora of other uses for the basket, priced at $46:

  • contain mail
  • hold hand towels by the sink for netilat yedaim
  • display utensils for a buffet dinner
  • bring a 9×13 pyrex to the table – it fits snugly inside
  • makes a great hostess or engagement gift

embellished salt & pepper shakers

As for the little salt and pepper shakers ($18), this gift couldn’t have been better timed. We recently broke my favorite set of salt & pepper shakers (from a pottery collective in Jerusalem *see above about “durability”) and I was really missing them.

Which of course made SWIRL’s sweet little set all the more perfect. While these are just the right size for our minimal use of salt and pepper at the table, I’ve also had friends purchase several sets, so that every person – or couple – can have their own set. Lovely!

Embellished bread knife

And finally the knife: I called it amazing, remember? Let me tell you why — by way of comparison.

I’ve given up on finding the perfect bread knife to use for Shabbat. Our challah knife, which we got as  wedding gift, is pretty, but it’s a horrible knife. And our good bread knife works like a charm — but it’s far from delicate-looking.

The Swirl challah knife ($36), however, is both pretty and functional, for the win!

The 15-inch stainless steel knife is sturdy, cuts smoothly and feels solid in my hand. And the embellished stones are so sparkly!

I truly love all of the Swirl items I received – and am definitely happy to recommend her store to all of my readers.

Even more so because Linda has offered a to give KOAB readers FREE shipping and 20% off your Swirlgifts order when you use the coupon code KOAB20 at checkout. Place your orders for Passover early – before she starts to sell out!

I’m also beyond thrilled that Linda has offered to give away a $100 Swirl prize package to one lucky Kosher on a Budget reader.

The winner will receive:

  • large embellished bread basket
  • 15-inch embellished bread knife
  • small embellished salt & pepper shakers

Here’s how to enter this giveaway:

#1. Leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite tableware or serving piece – for example, my etched glass salad bowl.

#2. For an additional entry, “like” Swirl’s Facebook page – then come back and leave a separate comment that you have done so.

#3. For another additional entry, subscribe to Kosher on a Budget’s new Passover Newsletter – then come back and leave a separate comment that you have done so.

Good Luck!

All entry forms will be verified. Duplicate entries will be deleted.

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents over the age of 18 only (sorry to all my Canadian and Israeli readers!). The giveaway will be open until 11:59 p.m. CST, Monday, March 4th, 2013.

The winner will be selected and notified on March 5th and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen. Please add to your approved email address list – so your winner’s notification doesn’t get sent to spam.

SWIRL provided me with one prize package, and will also provide the winner with his or her prize. For more information, see my disclosure policy.


  1. My favorite piece of tableware is the china that we received as a wedding present that we use on Shabbos.

  2. I liked Swirl’s facebook

  3. signed up for KOAB Passover newsletter

  4. I liked Swirl on facebook and subscribed to the Pesach newsletter.

  5. favorites piece(s) are the small condiment dishes with matching dipping spoons. Practical, versatile and colorful.

  6. I subcribed to the pesach newsletter

  7. I love the silver bread basket my grandmother gave to us when we got married, from her childhood home

  8. favorite serving piece is a small cloth basket we got in San Diego on vacation. Love to use it for challah when we have company.

  9. signed up for Pesach newsletter

  10. love my waterford crystal salad bowl, which got suctioned to the bottom of the chicago mikvah when we were toveling our newlywed tableware, 5 yrs ago. i thought it was a lost cause, and then got it back when the mikvah was emptied!

  11. love my waterford crystal salad bowl, which got suctioned to the bottom of the chicago mikvah when we were toveling our newlywed tableware, 5 yrs ago. i thought it was a lost cause, and then got it back when the mikvah was emptied!

  12. I like swirl on facebook

  13. I subscribed to your pesach newsletter

  14. Shayndy Abrahamson says

    I love the challah knife (though not for Pesach!)

  15. Shayndy Abrahamson says

    Liked Swirl’s page

  16. Favorite pices by far I my Allessi serving dishes, potholders and napkin holder, featuring little boys and girls. They just add so much!

  17. Shayndy Abrahamson says


  18. I subscribed to Kosher on a Budget’s new Passover Newsletter

  19. Jennifer Rogers says

    My favorite piece(s) of tableware are actually not used frequently. My late grandmother was a china painter and hand-painted me a full set of very nice china. I love it but I’m scared to use it because it’s precious to me and I have young, clumsy kids–and I’m a clumsy mom. 😉 But it’s beautiful and makes me happy to think of the love she put into making it.

  20. I liked Swirl’s Facebook page.

  21. I love the basket. It’s a beautiful piece.

  22. I liked Swirl on FB

  23. I subscribed to Passover Newsletter

  24. I love using my large crystal water goblets. 12 were a wedding present and they were from Tiffanys at $30 each. As they broke (I still have 9) I found the identical style and size at Crate and Barrel for $3 each! Only I can tell the difference. I now have a ‘matched’ set of 24.

  25. My favorite serving piece is a our challah board that we bought at an art show, when we were first married. The woods are varigated and the board is very beautiful.

  26. I love my oven to table Pantry Chef cranberry-colored large casserole dish; less dishes to clean and it’s decorative too!

  27. I just subscribed to your Passover newsletter.

  28. so pretty

  29. My favorite piece is a challah tray my boy made!

  30. I liked Swirl’s fb page.

  31. I signed up for the KOAB Pesach Newsletter.

  32. My favorite serving piece is a challah tray my boy made!

  33. I have subscribed to Kosher on a Budget’s Peasch Newsletter,

  34. etti mermelstein says

    My favorite serving piece (s) are these plain white serving bowls I just recently bought at Costco. They’re pretty enough to use on Shabbos, sturdy enough that I’m not scared my kids will break them, and best they’re stackable…I love them !!

  35. Liked Swirl

  36. Love my challah tray that turns into a basket!

  37. I subscribed to Kosher on a Budget’s new Passover Newsletter

  38. I have a beautiful ceramic honey pot and serving bowl that I got from my boss as a wedding gift – it came from the gift shop of the museum where we worked. We save them for apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah.

  39. My favorite piece is our challah tray that our friends bought us as an engagement gift.

  40. I liked Swirl on FB

  41. I liked Swirl on FB and subscribed to the KOAB’s new Passover newsletter.

  42. I signed up for the Pesach newsletter!

  43. I like my cholent/soup serving piece.

  44. Jane Brophy says

    My favorite serving dishes are my mismatched china from my grandmothers.

  45. I added my comments to the wrong post…oops…I love my big Ikea salad bowl, cheap and light and perfect for layered salads.

  46. I liked Swirl

  47. Jane Brophy says

    I liked Swirl on FB

  48. I signed up for the Passover newsletter, and left a bunch of unrelated comments :)…

  49. My mother’s (z”l) pasta bowl. Can hold enough pasta for 30 people!

  50. Jane Brophy says

    I signed up for the Pesach newsletter.