Giveaway: 1800 Fans For KOAB = $18 For You


So, last night as I was at the airport for my flight to New Jersey (I’m here for KosherFest ’11), I checked into Facebook and saw that the Kosher on a Budget wall was dangerously close to 1800 “likes”.

I issued a little challenge: Do you think we can hit 1800 before I land??  Well guess what?

1800 (and counting)!!!!!

What a beautiful number for a kosher blogger to see!

To celebrate, I’m going to give away TWO $18 gift cards to to TWO lucky readers. (Amazon is in no way associated with nor does it endorse this giveaway. I’m just giving away gift cards to Amazon because I love them!)

To enter this giveaway , simply leave a comment on this post telling me how long you’ve been following KOAB on Facebook. If you’re not following KOAB, that’s okay – just tell me that! You don’t have to be a Facebook fan to enter this giveaway and there are no right or wrong answers 😉

The contest will be open until Thursday, November 10th at midnight and I’ll announce the winners (selected randomly of course) on Friday, the 11th.

One entry per reader, please!


  1. I’ve been following you on FB since it was possible to do so 😉 Congrats on reaching such a high number of fans, I’m sure there are more to come!

  2. I have been following you for about a month. I love all your savings ideas!!

  3. I have been following you for about six months. Thank you for all the great tips!

  4. I follow KOAB on FB. My friend C introduced me to the blog. I’m always looking for Kosher savings in Chicago.

  5. Ever since I discovered that KOAB was on fb, but I don’t remember when that was.

  6. Not sure exactly when I started following KOAB on FB, but it’s probably been about a year. It’s a great way to find out when you have new blog posts and to interact with other readers. Keep up the good work, and thanks for all of the great info you provide!

  7. For about 4 months. Thank you for all the tips, deals and honesty about your journey.

  8. I don’t remember exactly, but I think 9 months maybe.

  9. I think about three months. Thanks for all the great info!!

  10. Jennifer H. says

    I’ve been following KOAB for almost a year now. Love all of the new developments you’ve made over the past year. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  11. I’ve been following for about a year and have really enjoyed reading about your family’s journey to become debt free!

  12. still not on facebook but i’ve followed you faithfully since february 2011

  13. I don’t remember exactly, I think around sixth months or so.

  14. I’ve been following more than a year I think, ever since your friend Deirdre turned me on to you! Found many a great deal on your blog!!

  15. I’ve only been following KOAB a short time (right before the Chagim, I believe), but I’ve already saved a TON of money and yesterday got my first Big Fat Check from ebates! Thanks!

  16. I have been following you for a little over a month! What a great month 🙂

  17. I’ve been following for about a month- I really enjoy your blog!

  18. Miriam Leah Schwartz says

    about 3 months or so!

  19. hello! I am not a facebook fan, but I do love your blog.

  20. It has to be at least nine months that I’ve been following KOAB on FB, longer since I started reading your blog. I’m happy to say that I know of many friends who have started following too after I told them about your site! Keep up the great work!

  21. Around 2 1/2 months now, thanks for all the great deals and tips!

  22. Hooray – your website seems to be fixed and i can get to this post 🙂
    I have been following you for about 3 months and loving it!

  23. Not sure but a good few months!

  24. since the summer, thanks!

  25. Been following you since January. Great site!

  26. I dont follow you on facebook, but I do read your blog every week!

  27. I’ve been following for close to a year now. You are an inspiration to me and my family.

  28. Not sure how long it’s been that I’ve been following KOAB on FB – probably since I found out that you’re on FB. Love the blog. Keep up your amazing work!

  29. I think for just about 2 months. My sister introduced me to your blog about then too.

  30. marceia zack says

    I have been following you on facebook for almost a year now. LOVE the posts and great info you offer…have taken advantage of several specials….THNX again and keep them coming!!

  31. I just starting going to your website about 1 1/2 weeks ago after my sister told me about some amazing deals she found on KOAB. I don’t have Facebook so I just check your site often (I’m addicted!) Btw my husband was at Kosherfest also and wanted me to go, but I had to work. He as an AMAZING free app for iPhone and Android called KosherRestarauntsGPS that locates k

  32. I’ve been following you for about two weeks!

  33. I just started following you about 1 1/2 weeks ago after my sister told me about your amazing website. I do not have Facebook so I check your website often (I’m sort of addicted!) Btw my husband was also at Kosherfest and wanted me to go but I had to work. He has an AWESOME frre app for iPhone and Android called KosherRestaurantsGPS that locates kosher restaurants, minyamin and mikvas in the USA and Canada. Please spread the word. Also some restaurants give free discounts just for showing them the app. Check it out!!!

  34. I’ve been your facebook fan since I attended your coupon seminar in Chicago in early August this year

  35. I have been a KOAB person since your visit to Detroit. Your enthusiasm really makes me feel good and I find your experiences down to earth and normal and I love to read about them. I don’t have facebook account – sorry about that.

  36. I think I’ve been following the blog for about a year, but the I just liked the page today! You’re site is very inspiring and helpful! I’m such a couponista that IY”H, I’ll be launching my own personal coupon clipping business for the Baltimore Eruv in Kislev! Thanks so much for your inspiration.

  37. I’ve been following on FB for about 3 months. And in the last week I think I’ve told 3 other people about your blog. And demonstrated to one how to coupon at CVS.

  38. I’ve been following you on Facebook for a couple of months. Seems like a lifetime ago that I shopped without price comparing and coupons!

  39. Sandi Jarrett says

    I think I have been following for about 3 months (maybe more, I tend to lose track of time). I love all of your tips and hints. Thank you so much for your blog.

  40. I started following you on FB some time in March so that is approximately 8 months ago. Love the site and love the giveaways!

  41. for about 2 mnths. A freind suggested your fb page and i am hooked!!

  42. Avigayil Shurin says

    I would follow you on facebook if I had an account: ) instead i check your blog religiously

  43. i think i started following you on FB right after i contacted you over the summer to come to st. louis. but of course, i have been getting your blog via email for much longer than that 🙂 enjoy the garden state!

  44. I’ve been following since I found KOAB, about 8 months ago! Congrats!

  45. About 4 months now and I tell everyone who will listen about you 🙂

  46. as soon as you got on facebook, I’ve been following you!

  47. following for just a month- and spreading the word like crazy! i love it! 🙂

  48. I’ve been following KOAB for more than a year, but I don’t remember exactly how long…I’m now a loyal (addicted??) reader who checks the blog every time I log into my e-mail. Thanks for all the love and hard you put into KOAB, Mara.

  49. I’ve been following you for about 3 months. I love your blog.

  50. Rebecca Starr says

    I think it’s been about 5 months! Love it! Thanks!