Our (Minimalist) Shavuot Menu Plan

Use my brand new Shavuot Menu Planner to plan your menu and make your grocery list.

You know how people always says, “Oh, I’m going to make a really minimal menu plan this Shabbat”?

And then they end up making two mains, four sides, six starters and three desserts? (Tell me it’s not just me who does this!)

When it comes to Shabbat and yomtov, we don’t tend to minimal very well, do we?

Well, I don’t know about you, but I have found that one of the totally unexpected “benefits” of being isolated for the past two months is that I’m finally embracing this minimalist mentality — for real! And I’m loving it!

Yet, with a two-day yomtov starting Thursday night (technically in Israel, it’s one-day, but functionally it’s two days, since we go straight into Shabbat), my new found adherence to minimal menu planning practice is really being put to the test.

Here is what I came up — it’s a minimalistic blend of family favorites and Shavuot traditions.

And hopefully it will all be easy and quick to prepare, so I won’t be too exhausted from cooking to stay up and learn with my kiddos Thursday night.

Minimalist Shavuot Menu Plan

Erev Shavuot Dinner

Late-night-learning / kiddush-in-the-morning treats

  • M&M cookie sticks (like chocolate chip, but with M&Ms)
  • Ice cream (Ben & Jerry’s)
  • No-Bake Biscuit & Cream Cake (I’ll try to post a recipe for this one soon — my daughter learned it from a classmate)


  • Challah
  • Spanikopita “egg rolls” (like Spanikopita, but I roll them egg roll-style for individual portions)
  • Buttered noodles (for the picky one)
  • Greek salad
  • Roasted sweet potato
  • Leftover desserts from night before

Shabbat dinner

  • Challah
  • Chicken fajitas (we cook day-of on our charcoal grill)
    • Grilled chicken
    • Grilled peppers & onions
    • Guacamole
    • Pico de Gallo
    • Rice
  • If we need dessert (“need”), I’ve got a watermelon

Shabbat lunch

  • Challah
  • Dips & salads (I try to make up a few dips every week and they last in the fridge for 7-10 days)
  • Pargiot (grilled on Friday afternoon)
  • Rice (leftover from dinner)
  • Big salad with Caesar dressing and homemade croutons (in the freezer already from left over challah)
  • Popsicles if we really need something sweet after lunch

Looking for more menu planning inspiration? Here are some past posts that you might enjoy!

Shavuot Menu Planning Ideas


Cream Cheese Brownies

Shavuot Menu Plan

What are you cooking for Shavuot? Have you also discovered a new-found love for more minimal menu plans?

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