Passover Giveaway #2: It’s Passover, Grover ~ Shalom Sesame DVD

T-8 days ’til Pesach and mommy is finding that she needs a little multimedia distraction to get it all done. Enter It’s Passover, Grover, Shalom Sesame’s newest offering in the Jewish holiday line features the irrepresable Grover as the lead character, along with a host of adorable Hollywood cameos.

My favorite is none other than Jake Gyllenhaal, playing a little hide-n-seek with the afikomen. My seven year-old thought it was a bit goofy, but my five- and almost two-year olds were completely charmed (as was their mama).

Other highlights of the 30-minute DVD include reviewing how to count to four in Hebrew (kind of basic for my sabra sons, but cute if your kids are just learning to count in Ivrit); experiencing the wonders of a Moroccan Mimouna festival in Israel; and celebrating Pesach alongside a family of olim from Ethiopia.

If you’d like to win a free copy of It’s Passover, Grover, you can! With thanks to the lovely folks at Shalom Sesame.

You have three ways to enter – the first is mandatory, the second two are optional, for additional chances to win. Be sure to leave separate comments for each one.

(1) Leave a comment on this post telling me what you are most looking forward to about Pesach this year.

(2) Subscribe to Kosher on a Budget โ€“ either via the RSS feed or the email updates, then come back and leave a second comment telling me you have done so. If you already subscribe to KOAB, just leave a comment to that effect.

(3) Follow Kosher on a Budget on Twitter, then leave a third comment telling me you have done so. If you already follow KOAB, just leave a comment to that effect.

Comments will be closed on Tuesday evening and the winner will be announced Wednesday morning. With any luck, you will get your DVD by the weekend!

Disclaimer: Shalom Sesame provided me with a free copy of It’s Passover, Grover in order to facilitate my review. I was not compensated for my positive opinions, nor for hosting this giveaway.


  1. Having seder guests at home! For a number of years I couldn’t/didn’t.

    Already subscribed to email.

  2. I am looking forward to the house being clean!

  3. I subscribe to email

  4. persephone says

    I’m looking forward to seder with kids who, for the first time, are old enough to understand the Pesach story.

  5. persephone says

    I subscribe to you via Google Reader – though it’s under my real name, not this one.

  6. I look forward to anticipating the hiding spot my dad will choose for the afikoman this year!! (it’s always legendary, like behind the piano)

  7. I am looking forward to lots of quality time with my kids and (hopefully) nice weather for us to spend some time outside ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I subscribe via the RSS feed.

  9. I receive email updates ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I am looking forward to seeing family

  11. And I follow you on twitter

  12. And I follow on Twitter!!

  13. going away for the whole 8 days!

  14. looking forward to spending time with my kids and hubby!

  15. already get email updates ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. now I follow you on Twitter!

  17. I subscribe already

  18. follow you on facebook

  19. I’m looking forward to the preparations being over, and being able to actually enjoy the chag!

  20. Our new son will be at his first Seder!

  21. I receive your email updates.

  22. i know some might disagree – but fresh handmade shmurah matzah

  23. Marsha Morgenstern says

    I’m actually looking forward to matzah, even though I know I’ll have more than my fill of it by the end of passover. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Marsha Morgenstern says

    I also follow KOAB on facebook! ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. I receive updates via email and I’m looking forward to the Seder (and also matzah brei.)

  26. I subscribe to KOAB.

  27. I am most looking forward to, and most nervous about, our first time making sedarim.

  28. I’m looking forward to hearing my daughter say the mah-nishtana at the seder.

  29. I’m a subscriber.

  30. Seeing my mom! and being with family.:)

  31. i look forward to having my husband around to help with the kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Being together with family. IT makes the holidays into amazing memories!!

  33. I love having the 1st seder with just us and our kids. It is so intimate and they love showing off their school projects!

  34. I am a subscriber!

  35. I follow you on twitter!

  36. I am most looking forwards to what I always most look forwards to. The craziness of cleaning and preparing being over and then being able to relax and enjoy the holiday.

  37. goin away so no cooking and cleaning ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Barbara Sherwin says

    I just subscribed to your email. I love your site …so informative! I just look forward to everything about Pesach!

  39. I’m looking forward to seeing my family – haven’t seen some of them in nearly a year!

  40. I get your email updates

  41. Seeing my sisters and watching my kids play with their cousins!!

  42. I love all of Pesach! But I am most looking forward to the seder(s). I make a point of studying ahead of time, so that my head is in the right place. I make simple food, and I enjoy the seder a lot. I especially enjoy my children enjoying the seder.

  43. Looking forward to time with family

  44. I already get your emails and really enjoy your blog!!

  45. looking forward to being in israel

  46. subscriber

  47. twitter follower

  48. We are heading home to AUSTRALIA to be with my family. We haven’t seen then in nearly a year!

    Even before Pesach, I can’t wait for the international arrivals glass doors to open and we run down crying to a family waiting for us with open arms (and probably a sign or balloons for our daughter!)

    Then, we get home and start cooking/baking/arguing/ fighting…. like we were never gone!

    This DVD would give us a little (45 minutes?) or entertainment for our daughter on our 36+ hour trip!

  49. of course i subscribe to your RSS feed! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  50. follow you on twitter?

    you bet!!!!