If you are a fan of the pre-tied bandana, check out this amazing deal from Double Header USA.
Get this Thin Paint Strokes Pre tied Bandanna in blue, black and white on clearance for only $1.99 with FREE ground shipping.
Thanks, Dodi!
If you are a fan of the pre-tied bandana, check out this amazing deal from Double Header USA.
Get this Thin Paint Strokes Pre tied Bandanna in blue, black and white on clearance for only $1.99 with FREE ground shipping.
Thanks, Dodi!
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well, turns out free shipping is only from $49.00 and up 🙁 it did not give me free shipping…but, still a really good deal for 3 pre-tied plus shipping under $12.00. The one you are showing is out of stock, but there are 2 more at that price and one at $2.99. Thanks for the heads-up (lol…did not mean that pun).
I was able to get free shipping on a $20 order… It’s ground shipping, but it works! Awesome deal! I got $6 pretieds for $20. Perfect deal for a kallah getting married very soon and needing hair coverings!