Rosh Hashana Giveaway #1 | Two $50 Gift Cards to JWines

Rosh Hashana is right around the corner – and I don’t know about you, but for me, this time of year can be a leetle bit stressful!

Sometimes, I just need to get.away. Enjoy a few moments of silence – when no one is asking me to make them a snack or braid them a challah or invite them to a meal!

Ideally, those moments will feature either a cold glass of white wine – or a steaming hot cup of tea.

It’s my version of “Calgon, take me away”!

And since I love you all so much – and since I’m guessing I’m not the only one that needs a little break during these hectic days leading up to Rosh Hashana – I’m super excited to treat you to this fun giveaway!

Two lucky Kosher on a Budget readers will each win a $50 gift card to – my new favorite online store with just about every imaginable kosher wine on the market.

Whether you’re looking for rare and high end or inexpensive and blue (aka the Baron Moscato!), has you covered. And from now until September 6th, you can save 10% off your Jwines orders when you use the coupon code kosherbudget at checkout.

Of course two lucky reader will get their own $50 gift card for super splurging on their favorite vinos. (And yes, gift cards can be used toward shipping, so no out of pocket costs for my winners!)

Now, sure, you can use these gift cards to buy some Rosh Hashana wine to serve at your table – or to bring as a gift for a host. But I won’t judge if you decide to squirrel a bottle or two away for yourself!

Here’s how to enter this JWines Giveaway:

(Remember, each comment is considered it’s own entry – so leave a separate comment for each one.)

Required entry: Leave a comment telling me how you de-stress from all the pre-yom tov maddness (eg. get a pedicure, have a glass of wine, etc.)

Optional entry #1: Subscribe to the Kosher on a Budget daily email newsletter – and then leave a separate comment letting me know you have done so. (If you’re already a subscriber, that’s great – you can just say so in your comment.)

Optional entry #2: Like Kosher on a Budget on Facebook for all the latest in coupons, deals, money-saving tips and Rosh Hashana giveaways – and then leave a separate comment letting me know you have done so. (If you’re already in like with KOAB, yay! I like you too! Just let me know in your comment.)

This contest will be open until the end of the day on Tuesday, September 4, 2012. Winners will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. Hatzlacha!

Disclosure: KOAB is an affiliate of, however I was not compensated in any way to host this giveaway. The remarks are entirely my own, including my preference for cold white wine. For more information, please see my disclosure statement.


  1. I like you on Facebook

  2. I am an email subscriber

  3. I plan a short vacation over the Columbus Day weekend (won’t work this year since that coincides with Sukkot).

  4. Subscribed and liked.

  5. I get a pedicure and buy myself something new for Yom Tov. 🙂

  6. I de-stress by watching a movie! Usually it’s late at night after or during all my cooking and cleaning!

  7. I already get the daily email newsletter! Love it!

  8. I Subscribe to the Kosher on a Budget daily email newsletter

  9. I
    Like Kosher on a Budget on Facebook

  10. To destres from my yom tov madness, I like to nibble on the food that im busy cooking and get a little early enjoyment from it!

  11. I already subscribe to your newsletter and I just liked your facebook page!

  12. Courtney Savercool says

    I destress by watching a movie and having some chocolate 🙂 thanks!

  13. Courtney Savercool says

    I’m subscribed! Thx!

  14. Courtney Savercool says

    I like you on Facebook! Thanks 🙂

  15. I’m already a subscriber, thanks!

  16. I like (no, I LOVE) KOAB on Facebook!

  17. I destress by relaxing by the computer!

  18. I read a book – preferably some historical fiction that goes some place I’ve never been, not to mention a time!

  19. I’m an email subscriber

  20. I’m a Facebook liker (Aviva Klein Rosenberg)

  21. Miriam Lipnick says

    I destress by having some alone time- to read a book or watch a movie- even if for only 15 min it makes such a difference!

  22. Miriam Lipnick says

    I am already subcribed to your emails

  23. Miriam Lipnick says

    I already like KOAB on FB

  24. I de-stress by relaxing by the computer 🙂

  25. I already liked you…

  26. I’m a subscriber. You want to know how I de-stress prior to YT? De-stress? No such luck. I’m in freak out mode until I light candles. And it’s already started.

  27. I de-stress by playing on the computer, hanging out with my kids or taking the dog for a long walk. Sometimes I run away from everything to hang out with my mom.

  28. I already like you on FB!

  29. I de-stress by taking a nap

  30. I also subscribe to you newsletter! I love seeing what you have to share! Thanks so much for all that you do!

  31. I already like KOAB on FB

  32. I de-stress by buying or borrowing a new Jewish novel, putting my feet up and reading over a cup of coffee and something sweet. I already subscribe to your newsletter and am very grateful for it!

  33. I let my husband the chef do the cooking. Then, when I finish scrubbing the pots and cleaning up his mess, I chill out by baking a chocolate cake, eating a few spoonfuls of batter, and going out to the track for a nice, long run.

  34. I collapse on the couch and surf the internet or watch a show…anything mindless.

    I already Like on facebook and I’m an email subscriber.

  35. I de-stress by planning ahead and booking time in my prep schedule to spend non-prepping time with my husband, even if it’s just a quite walk by the river.
    Sometimes I’ll pick myself up a sefer on the holidays to dip into once it’s begun.

  36. I subscribe to your newsletter, and I love getting it each day. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!

  37. Golda Schapiro says

    I already like your page on fb! I never thought of destressing after YomTov since YomTov is usually a destressor for me.

  38. I relax on the couch with the laptop.

  39. I get your newsletter.

  40. I’m a facebook fan too.

  41. Gift card for wine? Ahh yes! I’m already subscribed.

  42. I find a few minutes to go shopping alone without any kids! Even 30 minutes does the trick. Sometimes I also have a small glass of wine.

  43. I subscribe and read religiously!

  44. Subscribe to daily email.

  45. Like on FB

  46. I de-stressed by turning off my cochlear implants/or taking my cochlear implants off and watch TV (yes, in silent) . By doing that, I could enjoy my natural silent world that I was born into. I like to cook without my cochlear implants so I don’t have hear pots banging to each other or something spilled. (Don’t worry I have a special fire alarm that will flash to me if I have a fire in my kitchen). Wine or whiskey will also calm me but if I am too tired on that time, it is not good time to drink because it made me even more tired. (I already subscribed to your newsletter)

  47. I don’t usually get stressed, so I haven’t found a destressing solution 🙂

  48. I’ve made a spreadsheet (I think I just left a comment on the FB post) because being organized makes me feel better. Then I cook extra when I’m cooking anyways (like tonight)…..and THEN I have a glass (or two) of inexpensive red wine from Trader Joe’s with my dinner to relax 🙂

  49. So obviously, I’m already a fan on FB.

  50. I’m already subscribed to your newsletter