Shavuot Menu Plan 2024

Um, news flash: Shavuot starts tomorrow!

I’m usually pretty on top of sharing my menus here, but this year hasn’t been a normal year — to say the least!

And the last 48 hours in Israel have been especially crazy (welcome home Noa, Andrey, Almog and Shlomi!)! So, while I did make a menu plan yesterday (and I even grocery shopped for it today, along with half of Am Yisrael, it seemed, at least based on the 45 minutes I had to wait in line to check out!), I haven’t managed to share that menu… until NOW!

I apologize if this isn’t super helpful to those of you outside of Israel, since you have two days to plan for. I’ll share some links at the bottom of this post to give you a bit more inspiration! 🙂

Download the Shavuot Menu Planner for Just $1.99.


Erev Shavuot Dinner
We were invited out (Yay!) and are bringing two salads: Arugula Salad with Beets and Feta and Fried Halloumi Salad.

Shavuot Lunch
Our family + 2 guests

Late-night-learning / kiddush-in-the-morning treats

I usually make one or two sweet treats for my kids to enjoy while learning all night. Here are some of our favorites:

Looking for more menu planning inspiration? Here are some past posts that you might enjoy!

Shavuot Menu Planning Ideas


Cream Cheese Brownies

Past Shavuot Menu Plan

The Minimalist Shavuot Menu Plan

And more of my dairy favs:

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Cheesy Potato Kale Gratin

Peach Noodle Kugel with Corn Flake Crumb Topping

What are you cooking for Shavuot? 

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