Have you downloaded the ShopKick app yet to your phone?
It’s a fun app that gives you access to exclusive deals, coupons and gift cards to stores like Target, Macy’s, Toys ‘R Us and now the Sony Store.
To celebrate launching at Sony, if you stopped in today at Sony and log in to your app, you can get a free pair of fashion ear buds in red or blue. Plus you’ll earn 250 “kicks”.
For the uninitiated, “kicks” are points, that add up in your account and then you can cash them in for gift cards at your favorite stores. I just earned my first $3 gift card for Target. Just for remembering to log in to my app when I’m shopping there anyway!
Learn more about Shopkick or just go sign up for a ShopKick account – you’ll get a bonus 50 “kicks” to get you started.
Don’t forget to “unlock” those 250 before you go to the store (by browsing through a “lookbook” on your app. New version 3 thing. If you don’t unlock them, you won’t get the kicks.