I started writing this blog back in July, which simultaneously seems like yesterday and like a million years ago. I have been so honored and humbled by the growing number of you visiting Kosher on a Budget. Writing this blog is truly a labor of love, and it means so much to me that I can help you in some small way to get a better handle on your personal finances.
As the number of my readers grow, I have been feeling like we’re outgrowing my current design, which is just one of the free WordPress themes. A couple of you have even written to me to share some problems you’ve been having with viewing the posts or leaving comments. Since I am so not a techie, I have turned to the help of professionals!
I hired a great designer and coder who is working on a fresh new look for Kosher on a Budget, which I’m planning to launch within the next week or two. I’m hoping that not only will you like the look of it, but that you will be better served by the functionality of it as well.
To coincide with the launch of my new design, I’m also working on putting together a Facebook page, so you can stay up to date with new posts, plus get exclusive access to other deals & steals that I’ll be sharing just on Facebook. I’ll let you know as soon as that link is live.
In addition, I’ve been working on another behind-the-scenes project, which I am excited and also a little nervous to tell you about. I started to realize over the last month that I am spending more and more time on Kosher on a Budget — which I LOVE, but I’ve noticed that it’s often coming at the expense of my “real” freelance writing work. I felt a little stuck between writing what I love and writing what I know will pay the bills.
That’s why I have come to the following decision about “monetizing” Kosher on a Budget. {Nervous laugh, sweaty palms.}
In order to keep doing what I love — which hopefully provides you with valuable information during your day — I am going to start accepting some forms of advertising on Kosher on a Budget.
My goal is that not only will this not hinder your reading experience, but that it will actually offer you valuable added information — in the form of more money-saving opportunities.
Tachlis, what this means for your day-to-day reading experience is that over there on the right side bar, I may have some ads that feature products or services I “endorse”. I’d love to feature ads from readers who have small businesses, so if you want to talk about that, please email me at kosheronabudgetATgmailDOTcom. My rates will be extremely reasonable.
I also plan to feature national ads via AdSense. These will be targeted to the content of my blog based on keywords, but I won’t necessarily be able to pick and choose which ads run when. It might happen that an ad that is inappropriate for this blog — such as for a treif product — gets thrown into the AdSense rotation. If that does happen, please email me to let me know ASAP and I’ll try to figure out how to block it.
Finally, I am planning to work with more “affiliate links”, such as Amazon and Swagbucks. What this means for you is that sometimes when I post a link to a coupon or a freebie or a great deal, the company I am linking to will pay me a very small “commission” if you print that coupon, order that freebie, or buy that great deal.
More often than not, I won’t get anything because it won’t be an affiliate link. In either case, my commitment to you is three-fold:
1. I will never tell you about a deal, freebie, coupon or anything else for that matter that I haven’t or wouldn’t use for myself or my family.
2. I won’t ever knowingly point you in the direction of something that isn’t kosher – literally and figuratively.
3. I will not allow sponsorships, affiliates or any other form of advertising — paid or unpaid — to influence my opinions. You will still be getting my unadulterated thoughts… whether you like it or not!
Ultimately, my goal is to receive a small amount of compensation for the work I put into this blog through my monetization strategy. It is my hope that you will see that compensation as more than fair for the value that this blog provides to you, my dear reader.
If you have any questions or feedback about what I’ve shared in this post, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at kosheronabudgetATgmailDOTcom.
How exciting!!!! Can’t wait to see all of the new changes.
Thanks, Amanda! I hope you will like it all:)
I am excited to hear about the changes that are coming. I also think that it is great that you will be able to keep writing this blog and support your family.
especially the part about supporting your family!