21 Days to a Better Budget, Day 11: Give Yourself Some Breathing Room

  When my husband, Frankie, and I first started budgeting, we were really gung-ho. Our #1 goal was paying off debt and we wanted it done, like, yesterday. We cut everything and anything we could out of our budget. We went from living beyond … [Read more...]

21 Days to a Better Budget, Day 12: Expect the Unexpected

Last week, we worked on identifying the major “categories” for your budget:Fixed expenses, variable expenses, future expenses, and “blow money” (a small but essential category!). Today, I want to point out one more very important category: … [Read more...]

21 Days to a Better Budget, Day 14: What’s Your Sacred Cow?

Did you get a chance to read yesterday’s post – about prioritizing expenses when you spend more than you make? The truth is that prioritizing is really just a fancy word for “learning to saying no”. Two short little letters; long on meaning. Even … [Read more...]