Bath & Body Works Anti-Bac Hand Soap Just $2.85 Each (Reg. $5.50)

If you're a fan of these yummy-smelling hand soaps, it's time to stock up! Bath & Body Works is having their semi-annual 5/$15 or 7/$20 sale on Anti-Bac Hand Soap, regularly $5.50 each. When you buy seven, that's just $2.85 each. Plus, … [Read more...]

Bath & Body Works Anti-Bac Hand Soap as low as $2.50 Each (Reg. $5.50)

If you're a fan of these yummy-smelling hand soaps, it's time to stock up! Bath & Body Works is having their semi-annual 5/$15 or 7/$20 sale on Anti-Bac Hand Soap, regularly $5.50 each. Plus, today only (1/29) you can get $1 shipping when … [Read more...]