I scream, you scream, we all scream for.... FREE Ben & Jerry’s tomorrow, 4/9! Stop by from 12 to 8 p.m. to get a FREE scoop of ice cream in a cone or cup. No coupon required. Limit 1 per customer. Valid only on April 9, 2019. … [Read more...]
Free Ice Cream Cone at Haagen Dazs Today (5/8/18)
Today (May 8th), from 4-8 p.m., you can get a FREE ice cream cone from Haagen Dazs at their nationwide FREE Cone Day Event. Re. the kashrut issue, I've been told that some stores are certified kosher but others are not; however, all their ice … [Read more...]
Free Ice Cream Cone at Haagen Dazs Today (5/12/15)
Today (May 12th), from 4-8 p.m., you can get a FREE ice cream cone from Haagen Dazs at their nationwide FREE Cone Day Event. Re. the kashrut issue, I've been told that some stores may be certified kosher, but regardless, all their ice cream is. … [Read more...]
Free Ice Cream Cone at Haagen Dazs on May 13th
Mark your calendars. On May 13th, from 4-8 p.m., you can get a FREE ice cream cone from Haagen Dazs at their nationwide FREE Cone Day Event. Re. the kashrut issue, I've been told that some stores may be certified kosher, but regardless, all their … [Read more...]
FREE Kid’s Ice Cream Cone at Carvel
Did you know that today, July 17, is National Ice Cream Day? Yeah, me neither! To celebrate, Carvel is giving away a FREE soft serve cup or cone in the flavor or your kiddo's choice, with an adult purchase. If only there was a Carvel in Western … [Read more...]