Purim Giveaway | $100 Cash From Ebates!

If you have been reading this blog for more than a minute, you know that my favorite cash-back program is Ebates. I love Ebates. I love that they send me a BIG FAT CHECK every quarter. I love that they pay me to do something I'd be doing anyway - … [Read more...]

Purim Giveaway #4

Hello there, Facebook friends. As an extra special thank you for "liking" Kosher on a Budget on Facebook, I've made today's giveaway open only to you! (If you missed the first three giveaways, you can catch them here: KosherWine.com, Shalom Sesame … [Read more...]

Purim Giveaway #1: $25 to KosherWine.com

Purim is less than two weeks away, my friends! Are you getting excited?? Are you sameach yet?! If not, maybe this will help you get in the Purim mood.... Because you all are THE best readers -- and because I love you all, I really do! - I have … [Read more...]