You guys know I love all the free bowling AMF keeps sending our way. And I am stoked that the $20 off for up to 4 people coupon is BACK – at least for now. (These go very, very quickly, so print ’em now if you want ’em!)
Yet even with all the free game coupons, those shoe rentals can really get you in the wallet.
At our alley, the rental rate is $3.50 per pair, so even if we only bowl a few times a year, $3.50 x 4 adds up! And since we get free bowling all summer long (I promise to share the details with you when the program becomes available again in the spring), we definitely wanted a less expensive solution.
So two summer ago, my husband convinced me that we should splurge on our own shoes. Even the kids – despite their rapidly growing feet.
We got the boys a size and a half too big, figuring they’d wear two pairs of socks and the shoes would last a bit longer that way. DS1 is now outgrowing his pair, so we’ll probably get him a new one this summer.
I tried unsuccessfully to find our original invoices, but I’m fairly certain we got the boys’ shoes for around $10 each and DH’s shoes were around $15-20. We could have spent a ton more for fancy schmancy shoes, but since our bowling is strictly “entertainment” and not “sport”, we figured we should go as cheap as possible.
Our shoes all came from I just checked the site now and found several pairs for under $15 for men, women and children. Sizes are limited in the really inexpensive pairs, so you may need to look around a bit. All shoes ship for free from, which is a major plus in my book!
Another option is Amazon, which can be a real steal if you have any Swagbucks gift cards or the $20 voucher from Living Social. (Thanks, Esther, for that suggestion!) I searched for Men’s Bowling Shoes and found two pairs around $22 – or just $12 with your LS voucher.
Under Women’s Bowling Shoes, I found several options in the $20-$25 range (sort by Price: Low to High to find the cheapest options first.) You can also sort by Amazon Prime so that shipping will be free for Amazon Mom
Next up: Our seven year old keeps telling us he “needs” his own bowling ball. Given that you don’t pay for those at the alley, I’m thinking the answer’s gonna be a big fat NO.
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