The Real Story of My Aliyah | The Struggles & Successes (Join Me for Facebook Live on February 8th)

Okay, deep breath, I’m going there. You have been asking and asking (which, thank you so much for caring) about our family’s aliyah this August.

Careful readers of the blog know that I’ve honestly been kinda avoiding talking about it. I posted when we got here, but I haven’t shared much about life in Israel since then. It’s not that I didn’t want to talk about it.

I did. I do.

I just needed to gather my thoughts.

To feel like I was on firmer ground.

To get some perspective.

We have learned and grown and changed — and laughed and cried and laughed some more — so much in the last five and a half months. It’s been an absolute whirlwind!

So, tomorrow, Thursday, February 8th, I’m going to jump on Facebook Live to share with you the real story of our aliyah — the successes, the struggles and everything in between.

If you want to catch it live — I hope you do, because I’ll be taking your questions on the spot! — please join me on Facebook at 1 pm EST.

And if you can’t be on live at that time, don’t worry. I’ll be sure to share the recording, so you can watch the full playback.

As an extra special treat, I have invited my dear friend Lara Itzhaki to join me. Lara is the very best resource I know for everything Israel and aliyah.

After seeing so many olim struggle to find their footing in Israel, Lara co-founded the company Olim Advisors last year. They have since helped over 100 olim make successful transitions to Israel by serving as their personal aliyah concierge.

They show you the way, hold your hand, smooth out the bumps, and cheer you on. They handle everything from helping you to find a place to live, setting up your utilities (including your Internet!) and getting you a cell phone plan (before you even land in Israel!) to going with you to the bank to open your account, accompanying you to all the government bureaucracies (such a life saver!) and advocating for your children at school.

I personally call on Lara at least once a week — and she always knows the answer… and calms my frayed nerves! The woman is a complete powerhouse and I know you guys are going to love her as much as I do.

Please join us for this encouraging and REAL conversation about aliyah — and please share this with anyone you know who is thinking about taking the plunge!

See you tomorrow!


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