Yesh Tikvah Update: Over $1800 in Walmart Gift Cards!!!

Just a quick reminder that we will be wrapping up the Yesh Tikvah Campaign this weekend. On Sunday, my family is going to be packing up a TRUCK filled with all of your amazing donations and driving it down to Joplin’s United Hebrew Congregation.

I can’t wait to post pictures (stay tuned Friday when we pack up the storage room!) of the mountains of diapers, wipes, formula, personal care products, cleaning supplies, non-perishable foods, brand new stuffed animals, first-aid supplies, and more that are pouring in.

You all have been so incredibly generous — the packages from Amazon are still pouring in!!!! — and I’m so touched by all of your efforts.

Over $1800 in Walmart Gift Cards

Remember when I told you that Walmart gift cards would be a wonderful donation? Well, a number of you have responded by sending in $10 gift cards and I am so appreciative!

But I want to give a special shout out to Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago, which has collected $1360 in Walmart giftcards! Is that not incredible?!?!?!

A KOAB reader named Stacey wanted to get her congregation involved in the Joplin relief campaign, but knew that shipping was going to be prohibitive to send baby care and first aid supplies.

Instead, she decided to raise money to purchase $10 gift cards to Walmart. I don’t know about Stacey, but I, for one, had NO IDEA when she emailed me her plan that she’ be purchasing 136 gift cards!!! Way to go Stacey and way to go Anshe Emet. TIZKU L’MITZVOT!!!!!!

Another very special shout out to The Temple, Congregation B’nei Jehudah in Kansas City, which just five days ago took up the Yesh Tikvah campaign. Already, they have collected over $500 in Walmart gift cards! I am so blown away by your efforts, B’nei Jehudah – KOL HA’KAVOD!!!

Do you still want to get involved?

Donations will be accepted through Thursday at noon at Beth Shalom and B’nei Jehudah Congregations.

And you can drop off (or have delivered) donations until Friday at noon at Congregation BIAV.

See this post for the complete list of requested items and the drop-off/mailing addresses.

Also, if you happen to live in the KC area and would like to help with packing up the donations on Friday, please email me at kosheronabudget AT gmail DOT com.

Thank you ALL again for your amazing acts of chesed.


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