Got a question about keeping kosher on a budget? Please feel free to email me at kosheronabudgetATgmailDOTcom. I'd love to help you in anyway I can. Today's reader question comes from J, in Oregon via New Jersey: I know you said you used a co-op … [Read more...]
Reader Tip: Get to Know Your Cashiers
I'm always telling you how much I love hearing from my readers. Often I get questions about how to save money or utilize coupons, but the other day I received a super couponing tip from one of my readers, Amanda in Connecticut. Whether you are a … [Read more...]
How We Finally Finished Our Emergency Fund
Last week, I was telling you about how my husband and I had been working on building an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses (since we're both freelancers, we were going for 6 months to give us some added security). Creating this emergency fund … [Read more...]
Reader Q&A: How to Track Your Spending
Every now and then, I get an email or Facebook comment from one of my readers that just makes my day! When there is a question that seems like it might be relevant to more than just one of you, I ask the person if she (or he) wouldn't mind me sharing … [Read more...]
Why Saving for Our Emergency Fund Took More Than a Year
When I left off in my "honest discussion" saga last week, it was the summer of 2008 and my family had just boarded a plane bound for Kansas City from Tel Aviv. In January of that year, we had gotten serious about figuring out the financial mess we … [Read more...]
How We Paid Off $30,000 of Debt in Just 6 Months
Welcome to part 4 of my financial freedom series -- this is the story of how we got real about our finances and finally learned to live debt-free FOREVER. If you've been here before, you know that during this journey, we were living in Israel -- a … [Read more...]
My Financial (& Other) Goals for October
Shavua Tov! It's a new week, and a new month - at least on the secular calendar. October is one of my favorite months, as I'm a big homebody and these cooler temperatures really say "stay at home and snuggle with your family" to me. Plus, I don't … [Read more...]
My Price Book: I’m finally sharing it!
Two months ago, my friend Becca asked me to share my price book prices. I told her I would, but then I've been hedging ever since for two reasons: 1) I have to admit that I don't have a written down price book, even though I know I should. … [Read more...]
How $1,000 Changed Our Lives
This is part three in the story of how my husband and I became debt free, built an emergency fund and embraced financial responsibility. If you haven't read the first two parts, you can do so here and here. When I last left you, my husband and I … [Read more...]
Reader Q&A: Coupons Aren’t Working for Me. Now What?
I love getting your emails and reading your comments on this blog. I'm happy to answer any question I am able to, so don't hesitate to reach out if you're confused about something. Recently, I got this email from a reader in northern California … [Read more...]