Cloth Diapers 201: Using Cloth Wipes for a Healthy “Bottom” Line

Welcome to my series on Cloth Diapers. If you missed the previous entries, you can start reading here. Today's post is brought to you by Yosefa in Israel, who shares how homemade wipes can be simple, frugal and healthy. Last month, I sent a … [Read more...]

It’s All Too Much: The Connection Between Debt & Clutter

I've been thinking and reading a lot about clutter lately. When I'm not vigilant about nightly pick-ups, my house quickly decomposes into a cluttery museum of stuff. And when that happens, it starts to feel a bit like the walls are closing in and … [Read more...]

Coca-Cola Rewards Program (By Mr. KOAB)

My husband is back today to share all the details on another fun and easy rewards program that he uses to win our family awesome freebies, like free subscriptions to Oprah Magazine! If you missed his first post about the Disney Rewards Program, … [Read more...]

Cloth Diapers 201: BumGenius & Beyond

Have you forgotten about my cloth diaper series? I haven't! Sorry for the longer-than-planned hiatus. Today's guest post comes from my friend Tamar, who blogs at the delightful In Our Small Garden. Tamar shares her best advice on making cloth work … [Read more...]

Cloth Diapers 201: Pocket Diapers

Welcome to Part 3 of my cloth dipaering series. Be sure to read Cloth Diapers 101 & Prefolds & Covers, if you missed them. Today’s post, brought to you by my friend Dara from the Not in New Jersey blog, is all about her experience using … [Read more...]

Cloth Diapers 201: Prefolds & Covers

Welcome to Part 2 of my cloth dipaering series. If you missed part 1, you can check it out here. Today's post, brought to you by Rivki at Life in the Married Lane, is all about using prefolded cloth diapers with covers -- a system that Rivki makes … [Read more...]

I don’t do every deal.

There have been a preponderance of good deals lately. From free photobooks and cheap magazines to deep discounts on granola bars, clothing and even Kitchen Aids. The crazy thing is that - believe it or not - what I post here on Kosher on a Budget … [Read more...]

Cloth Diapers 101: Misconceptions, Methods & Money

Did you know that over 18 billion disposable diapers are thrown into landfills every year in the United States alone? Did you know that the typical American baby will wear more than 5,400 disposable diapers from birth until potty training? Did you … [Read more...]

Let’s Talk Bar & Bat Mitzvahs

I'm fond of saying that when my kids (presently ages 7, 5 and 19 months) have their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, they are going to be lucky to get a pizza party in our basement. Maybe we'll rent them a karaoke machine. Self depricating jokes aside, the … [Read more...]

Baby on a Budget

Photo Credit My husband and I have three kids - two sons (7 and 5) and one daughter (19 months - that's her at 2 weeks!). Surrounded by friends who have four or more kids, I'm practically a newbie in the world of motherhood. So while I would … [Read more...]