Levana’s Kosher for Passover Brownies

Today's recipe exchange is kind of an unusual one for me. Typically, I share one of my personal favorite recipes, but today I have the honor of sharing a Passover recipe from the well-known Jewish cookbook author, restaurateur, and kosher food … [Read more...]

April Monthly Meal Plan: The First Two Weeks

You guys know that normally, I like to do monthly menu planning. But with Pesach coming in the middle of the month, I just can't put it all together into one plan. It just feels wrong to have all that chametz on the same plan with my matzah! So, … [Read more...]

How I Learned to Love Passover by Eating Like an Israeli (Guest Post)

Today's guest post comes from KOAB reader Becky Goldberg. Like many of us, Becky used to dread Passover food... until she learned to eat like the Israelis. I used to hate Passover. There, I said it. It was, without a doubt, the time of year I … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking, Part 3: The Shopping List

If you have been following along with Chavi Singer's series about Kosher Once A Month (Meat) Cooking, then you have already learned how OAMC can save you money and time - and you've got three great recipes to turn into eight meals for your family. … [Read more...]

Passover Side Dishes

I'm in denial. Pesach is two and a half weeks away and I haven't even made my  menu plan yet! Uhh... Meat? Vegetables? Matzah ball soup? DE.NIAL. Now I don't know about you, but I find that by the time we get to the actual meal, I am so ... weighted … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking, Part 2

PHOTO SOURCE   Easy Jewish Home blogger, Chavi Singer, is back again today to explain how to put her basic meat sauce recipe to use in making three different kosher recipes that will feed your family at eight different meals. Did you … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Meat Cooking Tutorial, Part 1

If you are looking to save time and money - and make meal planning a cinch - you must read this Tutorial on Kosher Once a Month Cooking by Chavi Singer of the new blog, Easy Jewish Home. This two-part series may just change how you feed your … [Read more...]

March Monthly Meal Plan ~ Link Up to Your Plans, Too!

I feel like I need to take a deep breath before heading into this month. March, Adar, Purim... and the looming thought of Pesach. I'll be honest - it fills me with joy, yes. But also a bit of anxiety, too. My goals for my meal plan this month are … [Read more...]

Red Cabbage Salad

I got some great ideas from all of you on Facebook last night for Recipe Exchange themes. Thank you, thank you! Rest assured, I will get to all of them. But today I am starting with salads - specifically, I'm thinking about the Shabbat salad … [Read more...]

I’m like a kid in a candy store

This just in... Junior Mints, Blow Pops, Tootsie Roll Pops, Caramel Apple Pops, Charms, Sugar Daddy and Sugar Babies have become kosher-certified by the Orthodox Union (OU). Thanks for the sweet news, Kosher Eye (via Twitter). … [Read more...]