Enroll now in the Kosher Grocery Academy Have you ever stood in line at the grocery store, a little bit worried to hear the total from the cahsier? Have you ever come home from a huge shopping trip, unpacked all the groceries, and then listened … [Read more...]
LAST CALL! Join Us for the Kosher Grocery Academy {The Doors Are Closing at Midnight!}
Are you ready to save a ton of money???
Picture this: You're in the checkout line at the grocery store, when the cashier announces your total. Did you hear her correctly?! For a week's worths of groceries, it's less than what you used to spend on a "quick stop for milk and … [Read more...]
How much is “normal” to spend on groceries?
A huge thank you to the more than 300 of you whom responded to my survey about your average grocery spending. I kept the survey open for 10 weeks, so we could get as many responses as possible. Let's jump right in and look at the numbers you … [Read more...]
[POLL] How much does it really cost to keep kosher?
I am often asked how much the "average" kosher-keeping family spends on groceries. It seems like a question that is almost impossible to answer because there are a million variables: Where do you live? How big is your family? How old are your … [Read more...]
The best value of the day! (And no, it has nothing to do with Prime Day)
I've been up for a while, working to get all my ducks in a row for Prime Day, which begins this afternoon at 3 pm EST. But before the deals start popping fast and furious, I wanted to share another amazing value with you. In fact, I think you … [Read more...]
5 Ways the Costco vs. BJs Price Cheatsheet Saves You Money
Have you downloaded the BJs vs. Costco Price Cheatsheet yet? If not, go over HERE right now to get yours for FREE! Now, you may be wondering how this awesome (if I do say so myself ;-) ) list is going to help you save money. Wonder no … [Read more...]
Costco vs. BJs: Which has the better deals?
You guys. I am so, so excited about this. It's a project I have been working on for longer than I care to admit. But I have finally finished it and I am so thrilled to share it with you! If you want to save money at the warehouse stores, you MUST … [Read more...]
Will you be #55?
I hope that you had a lovely Pesach. My family was fortunate to spend some very special times exploring our new home – including trips to Israel’s beautiful beaches and national parks. But there’s something else that my family – and I bet … [Read more...]