Get the Shavuot Menu Planner for Just $1.99

Thank you to the many of you who asked me to create one especially for Shavuot (after you've been using and loving my Rosh Hashana and Sukkot menu planners.) I'm thrilled with how this one turned out and hope you will be as well. Download your copy … [Read more...]

Our Shavuot Menu Plan

Maybe it's because my husband's been away, and we've been in "bare minimum" mode. Or maybe it's because I love dairy and don't have to think too hard about what I want to eat for two days of dairy meals. But until this moment, I haven't sat … [Read more...]

10 FREE Shavuot Coloring Pages & Crafts

Getting ready for Shavuot? Download the Kosher on a Budget Menu Planner for only $1.99. Get organized, make a shopping list and have a wonderful, stress-free yomtov! And now for your free Shavuot coloring pages and craft activities. These are … [Read more...]

Shavuot – FREE Coloring Pages & Activities

PHOTO CREDIT   If you're looking for something to keep little ones busy today as you frantically finish your cooking for a three-day chag (don't tell me you're already done and getting a manicure today... okay?), here's a round-up of some … [Read more...]