Shavua Tov! I hope your Yom Kippur was exactly what you needed and wanted it to be. As my husband looks for the parts of our sukkah and I start working on our grocery lists, I wanted to let you in on a fun little party I'm going to be hosting … [Read more...]
Don’t forget to link up to the Virtual Sukkah Hop
With less than 48 hours until this whole chag thing starts up again, I wanted to remind you to come join in my Virtual Sukkah Hop. Even if you're too shy to post, you should definitely check out the link-ups and pictures (in comments), if you haven't … [Read more...]
Welcome to KOAB’s 1st Annual Virtual Sukkah Hop!
Chag Sameach! Bruchim Ha'Baim! I am so excited to invite you into our sukkah! The frame, cloth walls and half the s'chach are prefab, purchased several years ago in Israel. The rest of our sukkah is homemade (or homegrown, in the case of the … [Read more...]
And then it rained…
and rained, and rained! What's the deal? We haven't prayed for rain yet. And we certainly haven't prayed for it to rain in Kansas! About 20 minutes after I snapped this picture, the skies opened up. It has been raining hard on and off ever since. … [Read more...]