Rosh Hashana is just a week from tomorrow — gulp! (How does it sneak up on me every single year???) I'm not quite in overwhelm-mode yet, but perhaps it's because I was in denial until about two hours ago, lol. I just finished making my menu … [Read more...]
Get the FREE Rosh Hashana Menu Planner Printable + Lots of Recipe Ideas

Rosh Hashana will be here before we know it! Have you made your menu plan? Download my FREE Rosh Hashana menu planner by filling in your name and email on the form above. I can't wait to share it with you! Not sure what recipes to fill up your … [Read more...]
My Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2022)

Just ten days until Rosh Hashana! Are you feeling ready? Overwhelmed? In total denial? As I do every year, I'm sharing our Rosh Hashana menu plan —as much as for you as for myself (see why below!). First Night of Rosh Hashana (8 people) As … [Read more...]
My Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2021)

I am so behind. These "early" holidays really throw me off! Between moving houses just a few weeks ago, and getting my oldest off to mechina for the year (a pre-army preparatory program), to school starting today for my other kiddos, I am just not … [Read more...]
My Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2020 ~ Aka Covid Year)

You guys. You don't need me to tell you this, but 2020 / 5780 has been such a challenging year. Remember back before Pesach, when everyone was like "Oh, it's so sad to be alone for seder, but by Rosh Hashana, we'll all be together … [Read more...]
My Rosh Hashana Menu Plan (2019)

In better late than never news, I have finally made my menu plan for Rosh Hashana. I've even started cooking. Okay, fine. I've only made one thing – double batch of honey cookies. But dessert is a priority, right? Of course, I used … [Read more...]
Rosh Hashana Menu Plan 2016

You'd think that with Rosh Hashana not falling out until October this year that I would have been super organized and ready to go by at least the last week of September. But noooooo! I am dragging my feet as much as possible and dreading the … [Read more...]
Menu Plan for Week of August 22nd (Whole30 / Paleo-Friendly)

Hey - look at that! It's a menu planning post! Our summer was a bit hectic and I will admit that menu planning took a back seat. But with school starting up again next week, I'm trying to reestablish some good kitchen routines. Like having the … [Read more...]
Passover Menu Plan 2016

My 10 year old came home from school the other day and told me a joke. Ima, have you cleaned yet for Pesach? A little bit, mostly upstairs. Why? Well, have you started cooking? Nope, not yet! Well, you'd better get on it. Pesach is coming. Don't … [Read more...]
Weekly Menu Plan (Week of 3/27/16)

It's Sunday morning, which means .... Time for some menu planning! The post-Purim week is always a challenge in our house. My goal with this menu plan was to create health-full meals that will somehow compete with the baskets-full of JUNK that … [Read more...]