Chanukah Giveaway #2: A Great Miracle Happened There

Gabrielle Mizrachi-Mallin designs three-dimensional Judaic art creations, inspired by Jewish rituals, symbols and traditions. I got to meet Gabrielle recently at the Bar Mitzvah of the son of good friends in Kansas City. In one of those "it's a … [Read more...]

Chanukah Giveaway #1 | Kosherfest Gift Basket – Worth Over $250

Chanukah is almost here - can you believe it?! And even though we usually keep our celebrations pretty low-key at our home, I am certainly not averse to spoiling my readers a little bit! :-) So I've put together a number of special giveaways, … [Read more...]

Chanukah Post-Mortem: 8 Nights on $50 or Less

The last candle of Chanukah has been lit, and the dreidle has spun its last shin. But before I pack up our chanukiot, I thought I'd take a moment to count our gelt -- or rather, how much gelt we spent on gifts. As a rule, our Chanukah celebrations … [Read more...]

Shavua Tov! (And link to KC Star article)

Sorry to disappear from the blog for 50 whole hours! I missed you guys! Yesterday was a ca-razy day, getting ready for a visit from the kids' grandparents, frying 130 sufganiyot for my son's pre-K class, and cooking for Shabbat. Then in the … [Read more...]

Leave it to Martha… Chanukah Round-Up

Chag Orim Sameach. Happy Hanukkah! Our kids are so excited to light their candles in a few brief hours. Our five year-old has informed me that, "Five years old is definitely old enough to light your own chanukiah WITHOUT help, Mommy!" We shall … [Read more...]

Easy and Frugal Chanukah Craft Ideas

Hey friends, I've got a guest post up at A Mother in Israel's blog this morning about easy and frugal Chanukah craft ideas. I share a round-up of great ideas from around the web, and I even make a plug for my own original way to fill sufganiyot with … [Read more...]

Inexpensive Chanukah Gift Ideas #3: Photo Freebies Galore

Vistaprint is running an amazing $0 promotion right now on a whole host of FREE photo products. Wall Calendars (love to give these to grandparents for Chanukah!) Address Labels (these also make nice "This Belongs to..." labels for books and DVDs … [Read more...]

Free Chanukah Cards and Almost-Free Wrapping Paper at Hallmark

There is an awesome $5 off $5 coupon for Hallmark stores available as a tear-out in a number of magazines right now. The coupon will make for 3 or 4 free Chanukah cards or 2 rolls of wrapping paper for just $.99 (after coupon). You can find the … [Read more...]

6 Ways to Shop for Chanukah on a Budget

Due to popular demand, I'm going to spend a little bit of time over the next week or two talking about frugal gift-buying for C/Hanuk(k)ah. Before I share some of my favorite deals, I wanted to outline my strategies for celebrating Chanukah on a … [Read more...]

Inexpensive Chanukah Gift Ideas #2: Free Glade Jar Candles at Target

Are you in the market for some nice, but inexpensive teacher's gifts for Chanukah?  Between my two boys, we have at least 9 teachers to buy for, so I definitely need to think creatively in order to avoid spending a fortune! One of my go-to ideas … [Read more...]